Incorrect JSON rendering by HalJsonRenderer, if creating a custom GSON TypeAdapter
Søren Berg Glasius
2014-01-11 23:29:10 UTC
I've been trying to use Joda with the HalJsonRenderer, but got an error
where dates are quoted twice.

I have filed a Jira: http://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-10977 and I have
actually attempted to create a fix for it as well.

When I registered a custom TypeAdapter for GSON, it looks like it's
escaping an already quoted value, looking like this:

_links: {
_embedded: {
conference: [
_links: {
*end: "\"2014-06-04\"",*
name: "GR8Conf Europe 2014",
*start: "\"2014-06-02\""*

The correct output should look like this:
_links: {
_embedded: {
conference: [
_links: {
*end: "2014-06-04",*
name: "GR8Conf Europe 2014",
*start: "2014-06-02"*

I think this partly has to do with this bug:
http://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-10372 which has been resolved.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards,
SÞren Berg Glasius

Hedevej 1, Gl. Rye, DK-8680 Ry, Denmark
Mobile: (+45)40449188, Skype: sbglasius
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